Which products can I purchase using BTAF tokens on Bitcointaf.com?

You can view available products by using filter on the products page at Bitcointaf.com

Where else can I spend my BTAF tokens apart from bitcointaf.com?

Details on future projects will be announced soon

Where can I find How To / Tutorial videos for BTAF token?

How To / Tutorial videos can be found at https://vimeo.com/showcase/btaf

What does the name BTAF stand for?

BTAF stands for Bitcoin Trend and Forecast.

How do I use PancakeSwap

Click on a link below : How to buy / sell / swap your BTAF tokens on PancakeSwap – PC How to buy / sell / swap your BTAF tokens on PancakeSwap – Mobile  

How do I use PancakeSwap to buy / sell BTAF tokens?

– Connect your metamask wallet – Select “swap” – Choose your trading pair – Click “Swap” Follow this link to get BTAF tokens on PancakeSwap – https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0xcAE3d82D63e2b0094bc959752993D3D3743B5D08 Choose a tutorial video below to see how to do it via PC