What is the Annual Percentage Rate (APR)?

The APR is the total % that can be generated over a period of a year.

Why would I stake?

By placing your BTAF tokens into our staking contract, the number of tokens you are holding may be increased. That way you could have more BTAF to use to purchase goods and services on www.BitcoinTAF.com.

How To Buy BTAF Using MetaMask And Pancakeswap?

Here you will find a detailed video tutorial on how to buy BTAFTokens on Pancakeswap. If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

If I made an error when sending payment, can I cancel and start again?

If you made an error, don’t worry we have your back 🙂 Don’t do anything further, simply go HERE and create a support ticket detailing what happened and what you’re trying to do. This way our support team can swiftly

What is a TXid and where do I find it?

A Txid or Transaction ID is your Transaction identifier often referred to as “Transaction Hash”. This is your publicly verifiable “receipt” and proof you made a transaction, available for you whenever you need it. Simply look at your recent transaction

My payment was sent but I didn’t get my product, what do I do now?

Don’t worry! Sometimes this can just be a communication error with the software, simply create a support ticket HERE and paste your Transaction Hash or Txid with the name of the product you paid for and we’ll get it sorted

How can I check that my payment was received? Will I get a receipt?

You can check https://BSCscan.com to verify the status of your transaction, but you will get an email once payment is received and notified inside our app with next steps for your product. The email will contain your receipt, but you

Do I need to keep watching the screen and refresh to confirm payment is sent or will that interrupt the process?

Once payment is submitted, you can simply stay on the screen and it will refresh once payment is received. No need to keep refreshing or wait around, it’s a very quick process that typically only takes a few seconds.

How long does a BTAFPay transaction take on BitcoinTAF.com?

Typically transactions on the BSC network take only a few seconds, but give it up to 5 minutes. You can track your transaction by using https://BSCscan.com and searching your transaction hash (txid) or looking up your public address (same address

What happens if my transaction fails?

You may not have had enough BNB in your wallet to pay for the gas. Please deposit more BNB and try again.